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Current support groups being held are:
*All groups are free and confidential

Women's Domestic Abuse/Sexual Assault Support Group -
This group is for women who are currently in or have been in an abusive relationship and/or have been victimized by sexual assault. This is an on-going support group that is held every Monday night from 4:30-5:30 and 6:00-7:00.

Children's Support Group ages 5-10 -
This group is for children who have been affected by domestic violence and/or sexual abuse. The purpose of this group is to give them a safe place to talk about their experiences while learning how to be happy, healthy children. This group meets Monday nights from 4:30-5:30 and 6:00-7:00.

Teen Healthy Relationship Group -
This group is for teens, ages 11-17, who would like to learn about healthy relationships of all types. The Middle School Girls Group meets on Tuesdays from 3:15-4:15. The High School Girls Group meets on Thursdays from 3:15-4:15. A boys group will be offered in January 2013.